How To Prepare Your Case Like A Lawyer So You Can Focus On What Is Relevant, Meaningful And Persuasive!

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Prepare And Organize Your Evidence The Right Way

No More Questions About Documenting, Preparing And Organizing Your Evidence!

You could really be doing yourself a disservice if you are documenting and organizing evidence that means nothing in court. In fact, you’re probably wasting all your time and energy.

With evidence, it’s about quality, not quantity. Quality evidence is admissible, relevant, reliable and persuasive. 
The problem is most people have no idea what quality evidence is.  And that can really get you in to trouble in a couple ways. 
First, if you present evidence in court that’s not quality, you could actually be hurting your case. In court, you need to put your best case forward and you can’t do that with sub-par evidence.
Also, if you are documenting worthless evidence outside of court, you are completely wasting your time, energy and focus. 
With this program you will learn to focus on only what truly matters!

Prepare The Right Way And Put Yourself In The Best Position Possible To Get The Results You Want!

Every person who goes through a hearing or trial in a custody case will testify in court. This is something that you personally will have to do. Your attorney cannot do it for you. 
This program will assist you with your testimony by helping you evaluate, document, organize and prepare your evidence. 
In a custody trial, you have one chance to tell your story. You better make sure you’re telling it the right way!
This program eliminates the fear and worry by ensuring you’re confident and ready for court. 

"It Makes Your Life 10 Times Easier!"

Krystal's Story...

Here's What You Will Get With
Prepare Like A Custody Lawyer
($1,485.00 Value):

Prepare Your Case Like A Lawyer

To get results in your custody case, you MUST evaluate, document, organize and prepare your evidence the RIGHT WAY!. This lesson will teach you how to do that. It’s time for you to:

Learn to evaluate your evidence like an attorney so you know what’s important and what’s not.

Document your evidence like a pro without being distracted by meaningless evidence.

Organize your documented evidence the right way so that you will be prepared to win in court.

Prepare your evidence so that you will be ready to present it with your own testimony and testimony of other witnesses.

Understanding Courtroom Objections

When you are documenting, organizing and preparing your evidence for court you need to be ready for any roadblocks you may run into. A courtroom objection is one obstacle that could prevent you from presenting your favorable evidence. In this lesson you will learn all about objections:

Know what to expect during every part of your hearing or trial!

​​​Learn the ins and outs of courtroom objections so that you will be able to get your evidence submitted to the judge. 

Say goodbye to the guesswork and learn from a seasoned trial lawyer and former judge.


Your evidence my sound great, but it means absolutely nothing if it isn’t relevant to your case. In this lesson, you will learn about relevancy and how it can help you win or lose your case:

Uncover what is relevant evidence and what is not.

Once you finish this lesson, you will understand how only document evidence that’s relevant.

Increase your chances of getting your evidence accepted by the judge by learning what is relevant.

Foundation And Authentication

You will not be able to have evidence submitted to the judge during your hearing unless you lay the foundation for it and have it authenticated. Even if you have an attorney, understanding foundation and authentication will help you in the evaluation and documentation process. If you can’t lay the foundation and authenticate, then don’t waste your time with it for court.

Learn how to lay the foundation for physical evidence and testimonial evidence from you or your other witnesses.

​You’ll know how to authenticate evidence like an attorney.

​Develop the skills necessary to automatically know what you can get into court and what you can’t.

Hearsay, Hearsay, Hearsay!

Hearsay is one of the most confusing topics, even for attorneys and judges. It’s because there are so many little rules and exceptions to the rules. After completing this lesson, you’ll have a better understanding of hearsay than some attorneys. 

Learn the general definition of hearsay and how it applies to your evidence.

Discover what is not hearsay under the rules of evidence.

Find out all about the multiple exceptions to the hearsay rule that are used in custody cases so that you can sneak your evidence into court.

And That's Not All!!!

You'll Also Get This Great Bonus!!

Special Bonus: The Custody Case Mastery Preparation Package ($197.00 Value)

In this bonus preparation package, Judge Anthony provides you with 3 digital resources that you can start using immediately in your case:

Custody Case Mastery Daily Journal: Use this journal to document your evidence in the easiest and most effective way.

Custody Case Evidence Evaluator: With this resource you’ll have access to the 5-steps you must follow to evaluate your evidence. You’ll also have the quick and easy checklist that will make the process easy.

Custody Case Mastery Trial Prep Planner: If you are going into a hearing or trial, you will have to prepare and organize your evidence and witnesses. This Planner takes out the guesswork and is a must even if you have a lawyer.

Here's A Full Summary Of What You're Going To Get!!

Lesson #1 Prepare Your Case Like A Lawyer

$297.00 Value

Lesson #2: Understanding Courtroom Objections

$297.00 Value

Lesson #3 Relevance

$297.00 Value

Lesson #4 Foundation And Authentication

$297.00 Value

Lesson #5: Hearsay, Hearsay, Hearsay!

$297.00 Value

Special Bonus: The Custody Case Mastery Preparation Package

$197.00 Value



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